Celebrate International Women’s Day With Paapos

Maya Angelou once said, “How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”

It’s not about women it’s for women. It’s not about feminism it’s about equality and equity. Women mean the FUTURE, growth, happiness, and wealth. From a daughter to a grandmother she never sits back and fades away, she remains in the hearts of her people. Every woman is made up of a tapestry of powerful stories, each with its own set of struggles and triumphs. Shouldn’t we do something to uplift this future (women) that will flourish the economy and improve the living standards of our people? 

Guess what?

This Women’s Day we have the privilege to celebrate the day at Paapos with our 10 new interns and all are women. It’s a growth that Paapos describes as a step towards success. We believe in preserving their rights and empowering them to work and contribute more effectively to the enlightening future. We want to promote gender equality and achieve gender parity. And we want to highlight the outstanding work that our women do daily.

As well said by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, “Empowerment of women leads to development of a good family, good society and, ultimately, a good nation.”

When you educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family. Imagine empowering these educated women with a little push and the opportunity to work. This will skyrocket the improvement of our future generation and escalate growth. Women contribute to history, culture, and society. It continues to be important that we honor the contributions of women around the world. Intentionally setting aside one day to celebrate and collectively uplift the often overlooked contributions of women ensures recognition of women’s economic, political, and social accomplishments. 

This year’s theme for Women’s Day will be centered on #EmbraceEquity. “DigitAll: Innovation and technology for gender equality.” The goal is to create a more equal and balanced environment where both genders can cooperate and draw inspiration from one another, without undermining the accomplishments of men or exaggerating those of women.

Let’s throw light on Equity

Giving a shoe to all is Equality. But giving a shoe that fits is Equity. Having the same opportunity to approach and reach out is equality but having the opportunity according to your abilities is equity. And we thrive to achieve equity by celebrating a day and striving to start an initiative for it. Here at Paapos, we embrace equity through our workplace commitments, in our services, and in the ongoing work to support women-owned businesses and MSMEs.

Digitally prevailing equality 

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online learning and remote work, which can help women overcome many of the barriers that they face in traditional education and workplaces. Online learning can increase access to education and skills, while remote work can increase access to jobs and career advancement. Complete gender parity is unlikely in the coming decades. However, work today improves the likelihood of gender equality for future generations. International Women’s Day helps us acknowledge inequities- like the gender pay gap- and work toward a more equitable future.

Women are Phenomenal but these are phenomenally phenomenal

Innovative and trailblazing Women like Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Hedy Lamarr, Mary Wilkes, Radia Perlman, Elizabeth Feinler, Reshma Sujani, and many more have blessed the world with tech-savvy life and ease of work. They proved that women can effortlessly mitigate innovations and growth. If you have not heard about them then this is the sign to acquaint yourself with their astonishing innovations. Everything is digital today and accrediting women with a such powerful tool can lead to a different and well-entrenched world.

What can we do?

Celebrate this Women’s Day, acknowledge the unearned privileges in their lives, and accept responsibility for ending injustice trends. Paapos is making every effort to hire a workforce that is more diverse and equal and to maintain a warm, welcoming workplace. 

Celebrate and contribute with Paapos. Send gifts or anything you wish to your special woman and let’s make her feel special. Not just on International Women’s Day, but every day. 


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